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Classic solutions to IBA (Intermediate Bus Architecture) designed systems, the Vicor portfolio of DC-DC converters provide all the necessary performance and features needed by designers looking to create smaller, lighter and less costly power systems.

High power converters for all standard industry input voltages VIEW PRODUCTS

9 – 420V


3.3, 5, 12, 13.8, 15, 24, 28, 36, 48V


2322 ChiP: Up to 120W
3623 ChiP: Up to 320W
4623 ChiP: Up to 600W
3414 VIA: Up to 320W
3714 VIA: Up to 600W
5614 VIA: Up to 1300W


Up to 96%

Powering innovation:

When high performance mattered, Delta Motorsport chose DCMs to power hybrid electric race cars.

Factorized power solutions VIEW PRODUCTS
Powering innovation:

Vicor Factorized Power Architecture is essential to propagating protective coral reefs as well as achieving breakthrough wireless broadband speeds.

Maxi, Mini, Micro
The DC-DC converter that established the "brick" standard VIEW PRODUCTS

9 – 425V


2 – 54V


Up to 600W

VI-200 / VI-J00
Legacy DC-DC converters supporting traditional designs VIEW PRODUCTS
Input: 10 – 400VDC Output: 2 – 95VDC Power:

VI-200: 50 – 200W
VI-J00: 25 – 100W

Power System Designer

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Input specifications

Min input: Minimum input:
Nom input: Nominal input:
Max input: Maximum input:

Output specifications

Min output: Minimum output:
Nom output: Nominal output:
Max output: Maximum output:
Vicor Power System Designer


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